

Personal Development

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  • Personal Development

In Post 16 we seek to develop our students by providing a broad education that goes beyond the confines of a traditional sixth form classroom. We believe in an inclusive education that supports students from a wide range of backgrounds as we want all our students to develop key characteristics and skills which will take them forward throughout their lives.

Our central aim is to make all our students well rounded with a variety of interests and experiences. We want them to be positive in outlook, optimistic about their futures and to feel that they can make a difference to the world that they will grow up in. Ideally, they will be active members of society who help others in their local community. We want our students to be confident in their abilities and have courage and conviction in their ideas and beliefs. They will need to be resilient in the 21st century to adapt to the modern world and cope with a myriad of changes that will happen during their lifetimes. Naturally, we want them to be employable, to achieve well and leave Post 16 with strong qualifications but also develop a range of skills that are adaptable to the wider world. Most importantly we want them to develop their characters so that they are engaged and enthusiastic people who a pleasure to spend time with.

Bearing this in mind, we will provide a range of opportunities for all our Post 16 students which will fall under the following headings.

  1. Principled curriculum
  2. Extended curriculum
  3. Career opportunities
  4. Physical health
  5. Mental health
  6. Personal, social and health curriculum
  7. Social, moral, spiritual and cultural opportunities
  8. Informed citizenship

Students at Macmillan Academy Post 16 get an excellent experience of ‘personal development’ and we are proud of what they achieve in their time with us but more so as the young adults leaving us going into the world outside.