Careers Advice
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We believe that effective careers guidance contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation and overcoming barriers to success. Macmillan Post 16 has a dedicated, fully qualified careers practitioner, Ms Cook, who is on hand to provide information, advice and guidance to students.
The Careers Team works closely with Heads of Year, SEND Department and teaching staff to ensure all students are aware of the facility and have inclusive access to it.
It has successful partnerships with local industry to offer students experience the world of work. These links are developed further through assemblies, work experience, Next Steps Day, mock interviews, guest speakers and meaningful visits. During 2019-20 the Careers Team provided 80 encounters with employers, giving students the opportunity to learn about work and the skills required in the workplace*.
* – Gatsby recommended Benchmark
The same year students experience a global pandemic, we have reviewed our approach and now offer students UniFrog. All Post 16 students will be supported to use this platform, alongside existing guidance tools. UniFrog records student experience, as well as having links to career specific web sites, research advice and up to date information on the Labour Market.
Careers resources are also available on the academy network curriculum software, enabling student access to information either at school or in their home. We hold the following:
- National Citizenship Service “Silver Plaque Status”
- RAF Platinum Plaque Partner.
- Awarded “Certificate of engagement for Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge”
- Member of the Careers Development Institute
Useful links if you are thinking about University
Find apprenticeships in Not Going to Uni, the online apprenticeships guide that offers you advice on how to become an apprentice, find traineeships, college courses or work experience. Click the link below to access the site.
Useful links if you are not thinking about University
Who to talk to if you have a question
Mrs Turner – Assistant Head of Post 16 Education and Head of Careers, and Ms Cook – Careers Practitioner, will both happily speak with any student or parent who would like further advice relating to future careers intentions, and how best our students can work towards achieving these.
Personal Tutors and Heads of Year play a vital role in supporting our students and they will also be able to support with many of the queries that our students may have and will be able to direct queries to the correct member of staff if this is necessary.