

MSC Summer Schools

January 6, 2025

Funded by NHS England, the Medical Schools Council and Dental Schools Council will be running eight summer schools in 2025. With over 500 free places available across England summer school participants will explore how to apply and what it is like studying medicine and dentistry.

There will be residential, commuter and online places available to students in Years 11 and 12 from under-represented backgrounds and targets areas of England that have limited outreach engagement with medical schools.

The application process will be launched on Monday 6 January 2025.

The content of the summer schools will include:

  • A simulated experience of what it is like to study medicine or dentistry (including a range of teaching methods) not only to consider the choice of medical/dental school but also aid transition from sixth form study to university
  • The values and behaviours of medical/dental students and doctors/dentists
  • Overview of the range of medical/dental careers available (including other healthcare and non-patient focused options) alongside dedicated sessions that focus on the shortage specialties and other healthcare options
  • Confidence and social capital building activities (including meeting academics and university students)
  • Opportunities for students to discuss their options and seek advice
  • Application and admissions advice and support, including preparation for interviews and admissions tests
  • Social activities for the students to build a community and network amongst like-minded people.

The schools running medical summer schools are:

  • Brunel University with Imperial College London
  • University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) with University of Sunderland
  • Brighton & Sussex Medical School (BSMS) with University of Southampton and University of Surrey
  • University of East Anglia with Anglia Ruskin University

To see the list of 2025 pathways programmes and summer schools, please visit Events – studying healthcare