Post 16 Policies
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High levels of attendance are expected in Post 16 and all students should aim to achieve 95%. There is a direct correlation between high levels of attendance and strong academic performance. Attendance is taken at the first lesson of the timetabled day and during personal development time at lunchtime. All students are required to attend personal development time. In the event of absence due to illness, Post 16 must be informed by 8.30 by email or telephone on the day.
Should a student be required to attend a pre-arranged appointment, they must complete a leave of absence form and get it signed before handing it to Post 16 staff.
During free periods, Post 16 students are permitted to leave the site, however they must sign in/out in the late book. Poor attendance and punctuality without good reason will be dealt with and students will be placed on the disciplinary code if necessary.
Macmillan Academy Post 16 operates a dress code for all students. The dress code has been relaxed. The wearing of lanyards is now the minimum and will be enforced. The compulsory wearing of lanyards will take effect from the start of term. If you do not have it, you may be asked to go home and get it.
Students should look smart and well presented at all time and dress according to the Post 16 working environment. Lanyards must be worn at all times. Macmillan Post 16 reserves the right to determine what is acceptable dress. The following is deemed to be inappropriate.
- No ripped clothing
- No bare shoulders or midriffs
- No shorts or flip flops
- Skirts/dresses must be of an appropriate length
- No slogans which cause offence
- No visible tattoos
Disciplinary procedures for Post 16 students will mirror the world of work and will happen through a series of stages. Depending on the level of severity of any incident some of these stages could be missed out (at the discretion of the Head of Post 16). A serious incident will be dealt with under the clause of gross misconduct and could lead to instant dismissal.
Preliminary Stage
Tutor will investigate and issue an informal reprimand. The tutor will also provide support for the student. Examples of minor offences – Unsatisfactory timekeeping, Poor behaviour, Unauthorised absenteeism, Missing deadlines, Persistent failure to adhere to Dress Code.
Stage 1
Verbal warning from Assistant Head of Post 16 A note will be made and kept on file. (Disregarded after 3 months if there is not a further problem).
Stage 2
Written warning from Assistant Head of Post 16 Parents/Guardians Informed (Disregarded after 6 months if there is not a further problem).
Stage 3
Formal written warning from Head of Post 16 Parents / Guardians informed and invited into the Academy for discussion. (Usually disregarded at the end of the academic year but can be extended depending on the severity of the incident).
Stage 4
Student will be put onto a contract at this stage by the Head of Post 16. Student will be asked to leave Post 16 if the contract is broken. Parents/Guardians do have the right to appeal Post 16’s decision.
Gross Misconduct
Includes – Physical violence, malicious damage, bullying, being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol on site, theft, Introduction of unofficial software onto Post 16 & Macmillan Academy computers.
(Other offences to be decided at the discretion of the Head of Post 16)
A list of students on the various stages will be kept by the Head of Post 16.
If you are unhappy with the decisions made then follow our complaints policy which can be found on the main school website.
In Post 16, we know that homework plays a crucial role in reinforcing classroom learning, fostering independent study skills, and promoting student responsibility which is essential for their future. It is essential to the performance and progress of all students and makes a significant contribution to the outcomes at the end of Year 13. The purpose of this policy is to outline our expectations, guidelines, and procedures regarding homework assignments and independent study time for our students in Post 16.
With the development of Artificial Intelligence, we are aware of the need to ensure that the high standards and integrity of all our qualifications are maintained, and students submit work that is entirely their own. It is absolutely vital that it is original and all of their own doing without the use of AI assistance. The Joint Council for Qualifications has produced guidance entitled – AI Use in Assessments: Protecting the Integrity of Qualifications and as an organisation we will follow this guidance in all aspects of student learning and assessment.
16 - 19 Bursary Policy
Please click the link below to view the 16 – 19 Bursary Policy.
Please click the link below to view all Macmilllan Academy policies.