Media Studies
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- Media Studies
COURSE Overview
Media is all of the different forms of mass communication that we are surrounded by every day. Media studies is the study of media products and texts in a lot of detail.
You will learn to deconstruct, decode and analyse media products and texts through in depth study skills which will help you to explore sophisticated meaning within all the key media forms.
Media is complexly simple and simply complex. This alludes to the fact that you can delve as deep as you want within media studies and you can read, decode, decipher and analyse as much meaning and depth as you are willing to uncover.
Title: Media Studies
Type: A Level
Entry Requirements: Standard entry requirements.
Course Length: 2 Years
You will learn the deconstruction, analysis and in-depth study skills needed to explore sophisticated meaning within all the key media forms:
- Broadcast – Television and Film
- Print – Newspapers, comics and magazines
- Radio
- Advertising and Marketing
- Online, social and participatory media
- Gaming industry – video games
- Music video
You will study a range of media products in order to prepare for exams. These products will require thorough study and by using the key concepts you will be analysing them in depth enough to perform well in the two examinations. There are four key concepts:
- Media Language
- Media Representations
- Media Industries
- Media Audiences
It is compulsory to study the products issued by the exam board. Nevertheless, we will also be looking at other examples of media products in order to practise your skills of analysis and evaluation of theoretical approaches. This will be essential in helping you prepare for the Media One and Media Two examinations as at least one media product will be included that is not a CSP.
This is a two year course with two controlled assessment components.
Section A will focus on Media Language and Media Representations. Questions in this section will test the following forms:
- advertising and marketing
- music video
- Radio
- Newspapers
- Film (industries only)
Questions will focus on the in-depth media forms of television, magazines and online, social and participatory media/video games.
Application of knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework.
Ability to create media products.
You will produce:
- Radio
- a statement of intent
- a cross media production made for a specific audience
84 marks
2 hour written paper
35% of total mark
84 marks
2 hour written paper
35% of total mark
60 marks
Assessed by teachers
Moderated by AQA
30% of total mark
Here’s a taste of the different career media care can lead to:
- Journalism
- Public relations
- Publishing
- Advertising
- Marketing
- Media production
- Media and communication
- Film journalism
- Advertising
- Multimedia specialist
- Film and television producer
- Teacher English/Media/ICT/Business
- Story Board
- Lighting Technician
- Animator
- Effects animator
- 3D Modeller
- Graphic Design
- Film Editor
- Social Media Manager
- Writer
- Music Journalism
- Data Journalism
“Media studies at Post 16 brilliantly prepared me for my Media Journalism degree at university.”