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COURSE Overview

Mathematics is two thirds pure maths and one third applied maths. The pure section is comprised of algebra, functions, series, trigonometry (including radian measure and graphs), vectors in three dimensions, and calculus. The applied section includes topics in both statistics and mechanics such as probability, statistical distributions and Newton’s laws.

Title: Maths
Type: A Level
Entry Requirements:Standard entry requirements plus a minimum of a 6 in GCSE mathematics.
Course Length: 2 Years

You will cover a wide variety of abstract mathematics, including algebraic proofs, methods in calculus and geometrical reasoning. As well as this, you will see areas where mathematics is applied to physical systems in mechanics, which involves modelling different situations and explaining how models can be improved. Statistics helps us make sense of the world around us, including using technology to underpin your calculations. We also make use of a large data set provided by the exam board to give a real life feel of how to use these processes.

Mathematics is assessed at the end of Year 13, with 3 exams. Paper 1 and Paper 2 cover the pure mathematics side of the course. Paper 3 covers statistics and mechanics.

Many other subjects link closely to mathematics, and it will also open up the door to a lot of careers, including actuarial analysis, engineering, cryptography, computer science, biologist and many others.

“I loved studying mathematics at Post 16 – the staff always made the work interesting and studying mathematics requires you to work on a skillset which is so useful in other areas.”