

Further Mathematics

In this section

COURSE Overview

Further mathematics is taken in addition to A level mathematics and aims to develop and extend the knowledge of mathematics students.

Title: Further Maths
Type: A Level
Entry Requirements:Standard entry requirements plus a minimum of a 8 in GCSE mathematics.
Course Length: 2 Years

The further mathematics content is one half pure maths and one half applied. The pure content includes proof, complex numbers, matrices, algebra, functions, calculus, vectors and polar co-ordinates, hyperbolic functions and differential equations. The first applied topic is mechanics, some of which includes elasticity, collisions and moments. The second applied topic we cover is decision mathematics, which has a link with computing and game theory, and you will study famous problems such as the Konigsberg bridge problem.

Further mathematics is assessed at the end of Year 13, with exams.

Further mathematics really prepares students for further study of mathematics such as university courses and the careers they lead to.

“For someone who enjoys mathematics, further mathematics provided a challenge and a chance to explore new areas of the subject.”