Art, Craft & Design
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- Art, Craft & Design
COURSE Overview
This is a broad-based course exploring practical, critical and contextual work through a range of 2D and/or 3D processes and media, such as painting, print making, photography and sculpture. The course is delivered by artists teachers who make and exhibit their own art. Art, craft and design gives you the skills and knowledge to create personal and imaginative work supporting you to establish an artistic practice as artists do. You will be encouraged to expand your knowledge of contemporary artists, makers and designers and explore those of the past by visiting galleries and museums. Our purpose-built studios will support you to develop your artwork in lessons and non-contact time.
Title: Art, Craft & Design
Type: A Level
Entry Requirements: Standard entry requirements plus a minimum of a grade 5 in GCSE Art.
Course Length: 2 Years
The course is built around the personal projects and responses of students. Studio practice workshops will include;
- Drawing techniques
- Painting- oil, acrylic, gouache and watercolour
- Translating ideas from 2D into 3D – ceramics, plastic and wire
- Printmaking – dry point print, lino, monoprint and collagraph
- Photography – cyanotypes and digital
- Annotating art
This is a two year course with two controlled assessment components.
Students develop work based on an idea, issue, concept or theme leading to a finished outcome or a series of related finished outcomes. Practical elements should make connections with some aspect of contemporary or past practice of artist(s), designer(s), photographers or craftspeople and include written work of no less than 1000 and no more than 3000 words which supports the practical work.
60% of total mark
Students respond to a stimulus, provided by AQA, to produce work which provides evidence of their ability to work independently within specified time constraints, developing a personal and meaningful response which addresses all the assessment objectives and leads to a finished outcome or a series of related finished outcomes.
40% of total mark
Art, craft and design is manifest everywhere, not only in galleries and museums, but also in the design and manufacture of our clothes, soft furnishings and intelligent fabrics. It is in our domestic and industrial products, as well as games, animated films and TV documentaries.
Art, craft and design is essential in the development of interiors, exteriors and all the accompanying furniture, fittings and planning that goes into home decor. Look around you and you’ll see that design is everywhere. And, alongside both the material and virtual world of art, craft and design comes a unique portfolio of skills and attributes; practical, skills based and expressive, and problem solving, critical and analytical. These are transferable creative thinking skills, fit for purpose for the future of our children and young people within the fast-changing world of the twenty-first century.
“Art A level has helped me develop my skills in not only this subject, bit across others, because of the written element and the amazing support given to us throughout the course.”
“Overall, I think art A level is a great opportunity, not just to improve on your art techniques but to build on self-development and thinking outside of the box, which are skills that can be applied to any career you want to go into.”
“…it is widely different from GCSE with the independence you have to do whatever you want with your project and make it your own.”